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Cookies on Villa Compare

We use cookies on this site in order to improve the user experience. We store the following data in cookies:

Villa Compare is an affiliate marketing website.

This means that when you click through from this website to one of our partner websites a cookie is placed on your machine informing the partner website that you were referred to their site from Villa Compare.

If you subsequently make a booking within the referral period Villa Compare will receive a percentage commission on the value of the booking with the partner.

The referral period is a time limit in which the referral is valid for a commission, for instance if the booking must be made within 2 days of the referral for a commission to be paid. Then in this case if the booking were made immediately, a commission would be paid to Villa Compare, however, should you wait three days prior to purchasing no commission would be paid.

Additionally, we use Google Inc. for our analytics and Google AdSense to provide advertisements that you are likely to be interested in. Google uses cookies to provide these services.

Further, Villa Compare includes social plugins for Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr all of which use cookies to provide their services.

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