Ebbio is beautiful ancient Tuscan villa from 1100 BC locatel at 1. 5 km from Monteriggioni, 10 km from Siena and 40 from Florence, accommodation is in 10 double and triple bedrooms with 5 bathrooms, 1 large breakfast / living room, 1 big 110 fully equiped retreat / meeting Room. organic vegetarian lunch and dinner on request. vegetarian cooking classes.
the entire property is with free parking and free wi-fi access.
Ebbio is an ancient villa of 1100 D. C. restored in detail but maintaining its original features, is still a productive organic farm, there are horses, donkeys, geese, hens, doves, dogs and cats. The structure consists of 10 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, for a total capacity of 20 guests + A large (80sqm ~) common dinning / gathering / living room area with a large fireplace on the first floor. On the ground floor there is an office, a massage room, and a large 100sqm meeting room equipped for yoga and similar activities and a professional kitchen. Meals can be served (breakfast, lunch and dinner) meals are vegetarian and organic, on request we also offer vegetarian cooking classes.