The ancient farm owners house is located in a small Appennino village, named Arsicci, which is 850 meters above sea level. The house has a front garden at ground floor and, at lower floor, a second garden giving access to the private wooded park with swimming pool. Arsicci is located close to river Tevere springs. There are many marked panoramic paths of different difficulty level in the mountains surrounding the village. The GEA path, which follows the Appennini ridge, passes on the nearby crest. Arsicci is located close to the towns of Borgo Sansepolcro (the renaissance painter, Piero della Francesca, town), Monterchi and Anghiari.
The location.: Many of the most important art towns in central Italy can be visited in one day trip. On the Tirrenian side there are Assisi, Cortona, Gubbio, Perugia, Todi, Viterbo, Arezzo, Firenze and Siena; on the Adriatic Side Urbino, Ravenna, San Marino, Rimini the citadels of San Leo and Sassocorvaro. There are also a multitude of fascinating castles, shrines and hermitages such as La Verna and Camaldoli, sites of great spirituality in the early Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance. Restaurants in the area are superb, many of them are economically priced.